Primary Beginnings child care centers in Raleigh will be celebrating health and fitness this week!

Between 1998 and 2011, 19 children have died from hyperthermia in hot vehicles across North Carolina (including Raleigh). These heat-related deaths peak in July and August, and are completely preventable.
Hyperthermia occurs in children and adults when the body produces or absorbs more heat than it can dissipate. Most commonly caused by heatstroke, hyperthermia is a medical emergency and requires immediate treatment to prevent disability or death.
Hyperthermia Safety Tips:
- NEVER leave a child alone in a vehicle. No matter how quick you think you will return.
- Lock car doors when the vehicle is parked. Teach children that cars are not places to play.
- If your child ever goes missing, check vehicles and trunks first.
- Keep your purse or other important items in the back seat next to your child’s car seat to help you remember to look in the back before leaving the car.
- Make an agreement with your child’s preschool to be notified if your child is not dropped off at the normal time.
- And as always: If you ever see a child (or pet) left unattended in a vehicle, call 911 immediately!
Cool Raleigh Summer Activities for Kids
Primary Beginnings child care centers in Raleigh have fun and interactive summer camps for preschoolers up to 5th grade. Request a tour of one of the child care centers in Raleigh!